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Twofold Treatise: Poppy - I Disagree

Lichtmensch: So, my dear Loveloth, here we are again. It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these but I remember it being a lot of fun. I’m really looking forward to discussing this album with you, especially because I already know that we are probably going to disagree on many things here.

Loveloth: Hello there. It has indeed been too long my friend and I am glad you invited me! Forgot how much fun these are. So, let’s start off with what you like about this album the least.

Lichtmensch: Haha, that is quite difficult right off the bat. Believe it or not, there are things I dislike about this album. While I really like most of the songs on the record, I find the songwriting on some of the tracks a little weak. Especially tracks like “Concrete” or “Fill the Crown” are too “back-and-forth” for my taste. They follow the same structure she has been using since “X”, basically switching between two or more genres, which comes off as a little lazy in my opinion.

Loveloth: Couldn’t have asked for a better transition because this is my main issue with the record and “Concrete” in particular, haha. The bubble gummy Babymetal-esque chorus is the only instance where I am genuinely annoyed. I am also not that impressed with the seemingly random genre hopping you mentioned. Have nothing against it, in fact I encourage it but it serves as more of a gimmick here than anything. Which brings me to my next point. Is it just me or do some things sound too familiar? For example the breakdown riff on “I Disagree”, which is literally the same as on BMTH’s “A Wonderful Life”, or the Billie Eilish-like beat on “Anything Like Me”. Things like these and the Japanese spoken word parts on the title track are my main gripes with Poppy but I’ll say this: She has a knack for choruses and melodies in particular, like on “Nothing I Need”, which is among my favorites, oddly enough.

Lichtmensch: I agree on your sentiments regarding the genre hopping (that is within songs). Luckily, it only really happens on “Concrete” and “Fill the Crown”, which are probably my two least favourite tracks on the album. The stylistic variety throughout the album is something I really like about it. Songs like “BLOODMONEY” and “Sick of the Sun” are not exactly two songs you’d expect to be on the same album but I think it works really well.

I knew that you would mention the similarities between the “I Disagree” and “Wonderful Life” riffs. Honestly, I think it is a coincidence in this case. But there definitely are some parts on the album that are direct hommages to other songs/artists, such as the main riff on “Anything Like Me”, which is very similar to Marylin Manson’s “Beautiful People” or the track “Nothing I Need”, which has some striking similarities, down to the title, with Radiohead’s “All I Need”. I think these are purposeful and intended as respectful nods to the artists that inspired Poppy (and Titanic Sinclair).

Loveloth: I totally get that sentiment but they’re a bit too familiar if you know what I mean. We also have those Brian May-like guitar licks and harmonies one can easily find on a Beach Boys record but I do not have an issue with those. Speaking of Manson, is he providing additional vocals on “Fill The Crown” or is that Ghostmane?

Lichtmensch: Word has it that it’s Ghostmane but to be honest it could totally be Manson, given that he is apparantly friends with Poppy.

Loveloth: Did not know that, haha.

Lichtmensch: So, I know that you do not like the album that much but are there some songs you particularly enjoyed? Apart from “Nothing I Need”, which you already mentioned?

Loveloth: Yes actually but they are oddly enough the type of songs I am usually not a fan of. By this I mean the mid-paced ballad-type stuff like “Sick Of The Sun” or the closer “Don’t Go Outside”. Feeling lukewarm on the rest but I do think “Bite Your Teeth” is kinda cool haha. Which makes me wonder, do I need to check out her earlier records? Seems like she was more “standard” back then, so to speak.

Lichtmensch: Excellent picks! “Sick of the Sun” and “Don’t Go Outside” are definitely two of my favourite tracks, as well. Man, the blegh breakdown on “Bite Your Teeth” really caught me off-guard when I first heard it. Brutal stuff.

Loveloth: Same here, as well as the Powerpuff Girls section before she blerghs haha.

Lichtmensch: Haha, absolutely. Going back to your question, I definitely recommend checking out her earlier stuff. Actually, her second album Am I A Girl might be a good starting point. It’s basically an electro/synth-pop record but already showcases some of the stylistic elements she would further explore on the Choke EP and on I Disagree. She was never really “standard” though, haha. Even her poppier stuff was very weird.

Loveloth: Hm, I remember checking that out after you’ve reviewed it on your page and I wasn’t a fan but I didn’t give it a proper listen so there’s that. That Grimes collab though! Whatever the case, I think both of us can agree that Titanic Sinclair is a complete d*ck. Had to say it and I am just happy she is free from his grasp and I believe I Disagree is a record about being controlled, suppressed and channeled and ultimately, setting yourself free and assuming the helm. Which makes you wonder, how many pop artists go through a similar motion that we do not know of?

Lichtmensch: Yeah, the music industry can be a dark place. It’s almost ironic how the Poppy project (including the YouTube videos) has always been a satirical portrayal of that world. Knowing that Titanic himself played such a role in the whole thing really gives it a different taste now. Whatever, I don’t really want to get into that topic more than necessary, haha. I am glad he is gone and Poppy can be herself as an artist.

Loveloth: I… agree. Ha! There we go, ‘twas a matter of time, haha.

Lichtmensch: Haha, yes, this was to be expected. I feel like there is a lot more to say about the album but maybe we should wrap it up by summarizing our thoughts.

Loveloth: Sure but if there is anything that you would like to highlight, go for it. Your perspective differs from mine so I am interested to hear what captivated you so much.

Lichtmensch: I think my perspective mainly differs from yours because for me this album is really the beginning of a brand-new chapter in the Poppy-story. I discovered her through her second album and checked out everything she had done before that, including all of her hundreds of YouTube videos. The whole project really fascinated me as it was unlike anything I had seen before.

The development of the Poppy character as well as her music is really interesting, especially taking into account all the “lore” outside of the music itself. It would be too much to go into the details of that, but the main point is that this album is in a way a logical evolutionary step after Am I A Girl and Choke but it also feels like a cut. In a way, it burns down everything “Poppy” was and gives her the chance to go into a completely different direction. And I am really interested in what might be the next step in that development.

Loveloth: I share your interest, good sir! But seriously, from a marketing standpoint, the whole “lore-building” campaign on YouTube, if we can call it that, was really clever and it definitely helped with establishing her on the scene. I seriously have no idea how she’ll follow this up but this is perhaps the singular most exciting thing about I Disagree for me.

Lichtmensch: Haha, yeah, I totally get that. I kinda hope she goes back to more “poppy” stuff again in the future, but honestly that is unlikely to happen at this point. It’s basically impossible to predict what’s next and that is indeed exciting.

Loveloth: Damn, not much disagreeing in the end after all, eh? Why are we so reasonable, haha. Unacceptable!

Lichtmensch: Soooo boring, haha. Anyway, Loveloth, it has been an honour again to chat with you. We’ll definitely need to keep this a tradition. Without spoiling too much, I can at least say that a similar article will be published in the near future on Sleeping Village Reviews, which I am already looking forward to.

Loveloth: The honor is all mine and right there with ya! We need to do these much more often, always a blast. As for that article, I heard it’s a tenner. Until then!


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