And so ends the fourth rendition of Loveloth's List Fiesta. With 24 lists and 204 unique records covered it's easily the biggest version of it thus far and I don't think I'll expand upon it because... well it's obvious innit. 204 damn records hahaha. Now as much as it's taxing, stressful and time-consuming, the end result is ultimately worth it so if you wanna witness all of that in its full glory, go here. With that out of the way, let's take a final look on 2021 with my top 20. Enjoy... you scum.

20. Don Broco - Amazing Things
One of last year's biggest discoveries, Don Broco strike the balance between extremely ear-wormy choruses and heavy breakdowns. However it's their fun and shameless flirtations with other genres that seals the deal and on Amazing Things the quartet seemingly perfected this and further expanded their sound. So damn fun. Oh and their music videos are next level.

19. Arooj Aftab - Vulture Prince
My first experience with Pakistani music was a resounding success and between this and the excellent Nafs At Peace, I know I have much to explore. As for Vulture Prince, it's a gorgeous, solemn and ultimately comforting meditation on death and transcending grief. Drenched in minimalism but always poignant, Arooj Aftab served as a perfect vessel with her nimble and mighty impressive vocal performance which never overtook the other elements nor distract from the message.

18. Magdalena Bay - Mercurial World
One of 2021's strongest debuts was also one of the catchiest things running around. Even with the slightly underwhelming final stretch, Mercurial World saw plenty of play in these parts which were often times accompanied by what can be described as attempts of singing and dancing. "Chaeri" is the best song Grimes never made. Maybe that comparison isn't that fair because this duo are developing their sound as we speak and you should hear it.

17. Pink Siifu - GUMBO'!
My pick for 2021's finest rap album showcases just how diverse the genre can be without sacrificing accessibility, presentation or emotional heft. GUMBO'! just keeps on delivering and it's a joy to hear. Besides, rap and trap were among my most listened-to subgenres in 2021 so I think I've finally reached a point where I know what I want and where to find it. That and believing I maybe have a good idea what I am talking about hehe.

16. Der Weg Einer Freheit - Noktvrn
No one does it quite like these German legends and on their fifth effort, they simply reminded us why they are among the very best. Following up something as majestic as Finisterre was no easy task but the quartet did it anyway with what I consider a more balanced experience that's also a logical continuation while honouring their roots. Case in point "Immortal". So many bands have jumped on the post-black band wagon since Sunbather without understanding what makes the subgenre work. It's tension and how you can counteract, assist or emphasize it and Noktvrn does all of that with absolute ease.

15. Amenra - De Doorn
The Church of Ra's main disciples' most recent offering is another example of a legendary band following up a magnum opus. It's their first sung entirely in Flemish which gives their tested formula a new dimension. Few tap into that darkness as proficiently and successfully as these guys and I am so glad to see them still excelling. "Ogentroost" is transcendental.

14. Vildhjarta - Måsstaden Under Vatten
Picture this, it's 2011 and heaps of bands are emulating the almighty Meshuggah. None actually reach their level which remains true to this day but more importantly, none are trying anything new. Enter Vildhjarta and their monstrous debut Måsstaden. While undoubtedly influenced by the masters, this group of Swedes crafted their own take on the sound that's based on start-stop dynamics, highly atmospheric clean sections and disgusting weight. It would take ten long years before a proper follow-up would be upon us and Måsstaden Under Vatten did not only quench our thirst for the thall, it also surpassed all the lofty expectations we had. Not to mention that the damn thing is 80 minutes long and I still have trouble putting it down today and I have no doubts I'll regret placing it this "low" in the future. T h a l l.

13. Rivers Of Nihil - The Work
Experimenting is tricky business, especially in elitist and narrow-minded waters known as most metal fans. However, this leads to a few problems and one I am sometimes a part of. Claiming someone is maturing just because they're "experimenting" aka logically developing their sound creates this critic-proof shield because if you disagree, you're obviously elitist. These are the type of sentences I actively try avoiding for many reasons, one of them being so both you and I don't actually miss a legitimate instance of this. Behold my butter smooth transition into River Of Nihil's newest album The Work which is their most ex... I am not gonna say it! Seriously though, this was a brave move, especially on a label of Metal Blade's stature but I feel it payed off. So many great textures and things to dissect here. Work done am I rite?

12. Suffering Hour - The Cyclic Reckoning
I don't think I am alone in thinking these guys are in a league of their own this early in their career. Masterclass of black-metal drenched death-y goodness with a guitar tone and riffs that end worlds. It's Arctic levels of cold but instead of being frostbitten, you're on fire and in desperate need to jump right back in as soon as it ends.

11. Twelve Foot Ninja - Vengeance
Obligatory "They've been busy" joke aside, the Ozzie Giga Chads truly were... occupied, particularly Stevic MacKay who not only created the blueprint for this banger of an album as well as producing it, he also wrote a graphic novel and comic as accompanying pieces. AND he is working on a game too, can't name anyone but Devin tackling multi media formats like this so you can guess how I feel about it. I love it and will snatch everything as soon as shipping prices stop costing like my kidney (other one disappeared under mysterious circumstances). Oh yeah, the album! Well it's typical genre-bending and hella fun TFN magic but brought to a new level and with a darker edge, reflecting the fucked direction humanity's taken. Really appreciate what Stevic and the lads are saying and doing for the industry. Really bummed Kin is leaving but this was a great send off and I hope he ends up in new projects, he is too talented not to!

10. Plebeian Grandstand - Rien Ne Suffit
For every thousand derogatory dull records, there exists one that transcends its influences and explores where few dared. Okay the real number is probably higher which is depressing but hey, it's all good when you have albums such as Rien Ne Suffit. Aptly titled too as you'll be recovering from its gnashing metallic teeth long after it ends. It's pure aural assault but it's so insanely unique, refreshing and intense that you don't mind it... that is if the record hasn't fully devoured you. Believe me when I say, there's absolutely nothing quite like Rien Ne Suffit out there and its significance will emerge with time. No doubt due to people realizing what the fuck they just experienced but more excitingly, future ambitious bands looking at this and Imperative Imperceptible Impulse and thinking something along the lines of: "Yeah, let's do it." For you I have this to say: Good luck lmao, you're gonna need it.

9. Whitechapel - Kin
Like many, The Valley made me care for Whitechapel. Simply put, it had a "lightning in a bottle" type energy around it so I doubted they would be able to follow it up in a suitable manner. Glad I was wrong because Kin continues the narrative and presents a few adjustments, most notably the Americana tinges. They add moments of levity between the devastation. Still think they don't utilize their three guitarists well enough but the fact this is one of my most listened-to records of last year says it all. Sad to see Rudi go considering he is a big reason why I like this iteration of the band so I'll revert back to my scepticism that predated Kin so they can surprise me once again with their eventual follow-up!

8. White Moth Black Butterfly - The Cost Of Dreaming
Turns out the cost was four years but the wait was more than worth it. Exchanging the earthy tones that defined Atone for a synth-heavy and 80's inspired sound palette sounds like a regression on paper. Just look at the state of synthwave and how quickly it got stale but White Moth Black Butterfly are far from your usual group. They are masters of their craft which in no particular order are: production, songwriting, ambiance, textures, vocal work, orchestration, lyrics and pace. Being a raging Daniel Tompkins fanboy certainly helps but it doesn't take a genius to realize how much talent is packed here. If you're a metal-free pleb (jk I love you) or a supportive friend passing by (love you too) or gods forbid both (love ya too too) and are unsure if there's anything to your liking here, just go with this. THE best pop record of 2021 and an instant classic in these realms.
7. Shame - Drunk Tank Pink
In what was a truly superb year for post-punk, the competition for the top spot was very tough... but not for me! Ever since I heard Drunk Tank Pink in March for the first time, I knew I found something very special. So special that it managed to keep me company through the rest of the year which is indicative of its quality and staying power as I often times jump between genres and am continuously on the hunt for new things. Charged with angst and defiance that's just as well placed as the more reflecting and introspective moments, Drunk Tank Pink is... ready for this phrase, a gift that keeps on giving. I'm here all day!
6. Sleep Token - This Place Will Become Your Tomb
So what did we establish across these 13 picks? That I have a penchant for sadboi and sadboi-adjacent things and especially love prog? How perceptive of you, you're totally right! So imagine a record that does both. Crazy right? Not as crazy as some of the drumming parts on here but yeah, Sleep Token are an acquired taste and even with Vessel's tendencies to go Adele/Beyonce/Christina Aguilera mode (for more Google generic sopranos oversinging), I still unequivocally love this thing. Shit's clean, mean and catchier than... good cuisine, ye let's go with that. Note how more erratic and autistic these descriptions are as we go further. This is a subtle nod to this record and how it dives deep... nah just fucking with ya, I am just an unstoppable Chad.

5. Erra - Erra
Look at the album title, now look at the album cover, now look at the title again. These are the only underwhelming instances of Erra's latest endeavour. Okay maybe certain lyrics too but that's it! I am not kidding when I say this is an instant classic for the progressive metalcore genre and yes that means it's their best album yet, fight me! Oh that's right you can't because you're reading this on your phone, laptop or whatever and I am not in your immediate vicinity. And now I am sticking my tongue out in a taunting manner and there's nothing you can do about it ha! But yeah, this is the definition of slapper that marries technicality, accessibility and heffyness in stunning fashion.

4. Archspire - Bleed The Future
"The only things that are bleeding are my ears from all this racket!" said my hypothetical grandpa. So let's, for the sake of the argument, say I punched him right in his face after that shite take. That's how much Bleed The Future pumps me up, enough to punch my deceased grandpas. That withstanding, I am really over most of tech death so only the best and most creative few get my attention and you can be sure Archspire are at the top, if not the apex. I remember my jadedness towards Relentless Mutation when it came out like it was yesterday but I remember how enthralled I was with it when it clicked with me like it was... well I don't actually remember that because I've been busy blasting these guys ever since. How do you top a masterpiece? You don't, UNLESS you're Archspire, then you do. Will they be able to do it again? No clue but can't wait!

3. Vola - Witness
Witness (yeah I know) a band firing at all cylinders and with an understanding of multiple genres only a handful are privy to. Vola are far more than just a prog band, they're a powerhouse bursting with creativity and confidence to pull off just about anything they desire. Sudden shift to an 808 beat? Sure. Grooving almost as hard as Meshuggah? Done. Make the best non-nu but totally nu metal song with great rapping? Yep. Balancing all these genres and elements like it's nothing? Aye. Write an absolutely masterful record that'll be with me for years like all their other records? For sure.

2. Deafheaven - Infinite Granite
Just like their previous best record Corrupt Ordinary Human Love, I'll remember Infinite Granite as my soundtrack of the summer. And 2021's was a strange one as I didn't visit our illustrious seaside which is nothing new to me. Nor was the emotional turmoil but the circumstances were different. Post-break up periods are always iffy but I was fine on that front, barring occasional high NaCl levels as one does. There was (and still is) this sense of being lost and with no clear clue what to chase. This blog thingy is here if I have my doubts but unfortunately, those numbered pieces of processed paper are a thing so I don't have the option of casually existing just by typing yet. Pair this sensation with a constant flow of gentle melancholy and break that up with moments of pure elation and you'll start getting the full picture. In a way, actually, in lot of ways, Infinite Granite mirrors all this and apart from this strong emotional connection, the record itself is really, really good, obviously as it landed as my number two pick and for the longest time I was questioning if this or the record that follows will get the AotY crown. A small one with a few random curls. So let's see it, most of you have already but let's see it regardless!

1. Frost* - Day And Age
Ta-da, it's a prog album! But not just any prog album, THE prog album. What do I mean by this? No idea to be honest but I'll tell you what. With no djent and almost all metal elements in sight and sharing more similarities with The Police rather than someone like Devin, Day And Age is not something most of you would expect from me and that's fine. raises eyebrow and gazes into your soul What's not fine is how criminally overlooked and u...underrated Frost* are. I seriously don't remember the last time when I called a band underrated because of how run into the ground the word has become so for me this has weight and it should because Day And Age is spectacular. Effortless in its transitions, dramatic and dark when it needs to be and with choruses and melodies that will be etched in your brains. Only a handful of records balance the intricate instrumental nature of prog with the playfulness and accessibility of high quality pop. All the while being a complete and utter blast. And a very colorful one as well!
You know something is truly special when your favorite track off it and basically all of 2021 is a half spoken-word and half gloriously electronic masterpiece and that's not even scratching the surface. There's not a single solo here which I honestly forgot even after dozens upon dozens of revisits because that's how much I submerge myself when I enter Day And Age's fields.
Doing these damn lists is always a challenge and a big reason for it, apart from logistics, time, avoiding complete burn out and more is that nagging feeling. Have I overrated something, is this my true AotY? 2018 was a great lesson for the latter question but when it comes to 2021 there's no doubt in my mind that this was the best the year had to offer and I implore you to check it out. If not for me then for... I dunno, just do it!
11th of January, gods I am fast haha. Anyways, I'll continue working from the shadows but at a healthy pace. Got way too much things on my plate but to avoid tiring you (already used this outro once, don't care), I'll just... leave lmao. Until next time, thanks for reading... you scum.