Stop, reflection time!
With another year behind us and some rest between the chaos that is list season, I am left post-ponderous and more optimistic for the future than ever... That required decisions, realizations, some of them tough and guess what carried me through all the highs and lows. Music. Duh. Always and forever.
So here we are. It's 2023, whatever that truly means (Reddit moment) and returning to "normal". The status quo. The tarnisher of passion. The boring, day-to-day existence filled with responsibilities and everything that comes with. It's a lot, at times too much but it doesn't take away from the insane yet very obvious fact we all know.
We're here, all of us, right now and trying to find ourselves in an indifferent, merciless but ultimately humbling and most beautiful place imaginable. Loife. And guess what makes that even better? Yeah I know you know but humor me for a bit.... It's music.
And 2022 was a weird one. In general but especially for this sexy thang I am most passionate about. It didn't lack in heft. Momentous releases by big artists or exciting new ones from upcomers were numerous. But many of them lacked.... that special sauce. Those "holy shit" moments.
How do I know you wonder? You don't? Well gonna say it anyways. I know.
565. That's the final tally for albums listened that came out lASt YeAR. A personal record. Ironically one I haven't chased considering the burn out I had in 2021 but somehow found myself breaking anyways. Did I like most of the stuff I heard? Yeah. Did I love it? Well yeah. Was there enough good stuff out there? Duh.
With 223 unique quality records showcased in my List Fiesta, there's seemingly no shortage in it but I still found myself lukewarm on many things. Or disappointed.
Is it jade that which covers my skin these days? Yeah and I doubt its surface will lessen in the coming years but I like that. Makes my time spent more valuable and my decisions on what to tackle more deliberate.
Now I could go and state how my listening habits will be this year but that's not how this works and it's dumb. Truth is I don't know and I don't wanna now. Imma go where my inner road takes me. So before the chapter of 2023 truly begins, allow me to walk you through 2022. And again after I finish my playlist... Here we go!

20. Yard Act - The Overload
To quote myself, Yard Act nailed the current zeitgeist in the UK. At times scathing, most of the times direct yet veiled in sarcasm native to this somehow little isle. As well as other less flattering things of course. That is addressed too. So how does the Leeds quartet go about things I hear not ye wonder?
They portray the bad, obviously, but do so in a way that's ultimately as endearing as it is ruthless. To paraphrase the lads, The Overload got that stuff, that human spirit and it's up to you if you wish to experience it... Dew it.

19. Denzel Curry - Melt My Eyez See The Future
In all honesty, I still think "Walkin'" and "Zatoichi" set the bar too high but there is no denying Zel is blossoming into something truly special. The daft masses like screaming stuff and with Curry, words like "underrated" are often thrown around. If any of those people had a functioning brain they would real eyez that Denzel warranted respect and admiration for his continuous ambition and experimentation long before this.
It's just those people being lazy and not exiting the very small bubble that forms around hacks such as Drake, all the Lil's. Until now. Wanted to get that off my chest and merely reinforce what has been known for many years now, Zel is one of the best new rappers and I can't wait to hear more.

18. Rolo Tomassi - Where Myth Becomes Memory
A logical continuation and one which unveils its many facets more subtly and gentler than its larger, louder predecessor. Yet like with Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It, this shows restraint but focused more than ever. I know some coughs Paul who were disappointed initially but put in the time and you'll notice how Rolo Tomassi are still one of the best to do this type of sound.

17. The Dear Hunter - Antimai
And now for this line-up's most unexpected addition. Antimai by concept album addicts turned funky concept album addicts The Dear Hunter. Now I am no stranger to these Rhode Islanders but I should be better acquainted. My journey with them started around the time of Act V and even though I heard that saga, all the way back then, I told myself how a proper deeper dive is overdue. The same still stands for today and while I can't guarantee that'll change soon, Antimai makes a really compelling point with its many extremely memorable moments. And guess what... OK I can't do that bit again. Anyways a follow-up is on the way and I feel really good about it!

16. Fallujah - Empyrean
For the sake of whatever brevity I got left, Fallujah did the thing I always wanted them to. Ever since Dreamless I wondered how badass they would sound if they tightened up all the loose screws. Guess wha... They did it. And it's amazing. Safe, familiar but amazing nonetheless! AND it sounds great, finally!

15. Pridelands - Light Bends
Light wasn't the only thing that new Australian metalcore players bended. Strings were. On their instruments and ones surrounding my pants, loincloth even. It's classic me. Chunky, proggy (whatever that means today) and emotive metalcore. The formula has been done to death and even beyond it but when you know what you're doing, it shows and Light Bends shows it in spades. It may not be for you but it's definitely for me.... and my bike!

14. Ashenspire - Hostile Architecture
It doesn't take a genius to point out out the flaws of capitalism but what many coughs mostly Americans DON'T realise, is how quoting three sentences from Marx and screaming the word "facism" until it loses so much weight it turned from a sheperd to a greyhound ISN'T the way to go. Unlike my caps locking here, nuance is needed, something not traditionally connected to black metal but Ashenspire are no ordinary band.
Amongst their potent mix of furious desperation and organised cacophony, a fantastic album lays with even better lyrics. They're so good in fact I consider them the new standard which all ambitious black metal band should ashenpire to.

13. Zeal & Ardor - Zeal & Ardor
Huh, didn't even notice how fitting my placement of 4chan's second most successful experiment is! Get it? 13? Anyways, guess I'll just left hand up, right hand down this bish! Seriously now, apart from that reference making no logical sense nor being a part of the record in question, I just wanna express my happiness for Manuel and all the acclaim his great concoction has been getting. With this I can finally, without a doubt in my mind, say it's justified. Their best work yet!

12. black midi - Hellfire
Cavalcade was great but it took a few more missteps than anticipated. Hellfire remedies that almost completely and much like its predecessor, continues to expand into new exciting territories. There is no one like black midi and I suspect this will become more and more apparent the further they go. Pop off kings.

11. Septicflesh - Modern Primitive
Remember what I said for Antimai? Well maybe I done goofed up. Me, making mistakes? Nah. Septicflesh, on the other hand, know not of such a thing as they seemingly polished their formula to perfection. Modern Primitive could very well be their finest hour... sorry, 38 minutes yet and that's fucking insane given how long they've been around. "Coming Storm" is an instant classic and honestly one of the best metal songs in recent memory, maybe ever.
Vacuum-sealed, perfectly paced and stupid fun but still refined with all the ridiculous bombast and mountain-moving energy only the best metal can conjure.

10. Aurora - The Gods We Can Touch
Absolut fantastisk pop album fra min fremtidige kone. Did this bit way too much so I'll just say how it is. Aurora is based. On god. Fr fr. No fucking cap. Such a colorful, diverse and inspired journey boasting some of the best production work yours truly ever heard. There's only beauty in this beast of an album.

9. Ethel Cain - Preacher's Daughet
Speaking of beasts, Ethel Cain's spectacular debut awakened something primal in me. Lust in "Gibson's Girl", hued daydreaming in "American Teenager", shock in "Thoroughfare" and much, much more. But mostly awe.
Remember that jade I mentioned? None of it works here and I end up just feeling every word she sings.
Is this what Lana Del Rey fans feel when she makes a reference to 50's films they haven't watched? Or when Taylor Swift says... well anything? Of course not. This is bigger than that! Fuck me up mommy.

8. Cult Of Luna - The Long Road North
There are few certainties in life. Yeah I know, you all heard this one so allow me to get through it. It's late and I just entered The Zone™. Anyways, you'll die. Like alone. That's one. China number one. That's two, I always get goosebumps when listening to Cult Of Luna. That's three. And even more fittingly, I always enter that aforementioned zone. How I think I look? 🧐. How I actually look? 😳. What a fucking insane career and with no signs of stopping, absolute legends.

7. Devin Townsend - Lightwork
Speaking of certainties, Devin Townsend's inclusion in my year-end lists is one of 'em. While it seems how Father is still in his reassuring, overly positive and cheesy phase, I remain unphased by this combo I usually despise. The key difference between Devy and others, among the obvious brilliance is his honesty and genuine, warm mist surrounding it all.
Sure he repeats himself with certain sound ques and ideas but it just works. "Celestial Signals" for example, is a demo from the Transcendence and its inclusion here could not be more fitting.
My pure franboyism may have taken a back seat, thank the gods it did, but the fact remains. Devy is all my time favorite and Lightwork confirms that.

6. Wilderun - Epigone
The first album I heard in 2022 and still the most ambitious and realized one. While the lacklustre ending does its best to let you overlook all the insane details and awe-inducing moments you just experienced, Epigone as a whole always comes up on top. I am sure every fan has its favorite due to differing reasons, I am also sure none will attempt and dispute the creativity and talent every release had and probably ever will. Wilderun are special and I am elated to see them continue charting this path. Without a doubt one of the best bands of today.

5. Disillusion - Ayam
I speak for many when I say we all have those bands everyone is gushing about but failing to connect with them in a meaningful way. Disillusion and I had that for years. The Liberation had that buzz in 2019 and Back To Times Of Splendor way before in 2004. For over 7 years I kept Disillusion in the back of my mind, never loving but always respecting them. And lAst YeAr Ayam came. It came, it saw, it broke the law. It took over every single album up to this point, even Wilderun which I thought would be the apex of prog for the year.
And yet here we are. What happened? Well for me, the vocals finally became good across the board and the songwriting tightened to perfection. The pacing in the final stretch seems to be the only thing I can fault this and that is absolutely staggering. From the top pf the world to the end of the seas indeed. A must hear.

4. Messa - Close
I realize the full extent of my praise thus far and I stand by all of it. I also stand with Messa. Or rather stood in front. Saw them live babyyy and it's probably my favorite gig I attended LaSt yEAr. Gojira, Deftones, Devy, Amenra, Opeth, The Ocean are just some of the insane names and here is Messa towering above all. Them and Laster. It was a magical evening that once again reaffirmed my adoration for Close, their best album yet which, even despite its size, never feels overlong. A testament to one of the best bands and something not to be missed.

3. Everything Everything - Raw Data Feel
To paraphrase the undefeated Uncle Chael: "Where do Everything Everything fit into all of this?" I found myself asking when finalizing this top 20. Numerous times and with each revisit I came to realize what I always knew but almost forgotten amidst the chaos that is December. Raw Data Feel is an AotY contender and I could not be happier about its final placement. Their finest work yet to these pair of ears. What a band.

2. Meshuggah - Immutable
As soon as the album teaser droped, there was no question. Meshuggah's return is my most anticipated moment of 2022 and this sentiment emboldened further as I discovered yet another layer to the band's mad genius. This seemingly happens every few years but in 2022 my adoration for them reached critical mass and I'll try and fulfill my promise. A complete glimpse into the broken cog that is Meshuggah. And regardless of all the issues Immutable possesses, it's still a triumph and I hope far from the final one from these icons.

1. Northlane - Obsidian
Unlike some years that saw me attempt and summarize them, 2022's finest hour was never in question. Northlane's Obsidian feels like home. I navigate every corridor of its with ease but the awe, love and addiction refuses to fade. Initially slightly underwhelmed by the weird pacing and strange decisions like not spamming the verses of "Xen" or not repeating the chorus in "Dark Solitaire", I still can't help myself from absolutely loving this.
Even more so after finding out these were deliberate decisions and the fact Northlane are an independent band that nurtures the DIY spirit that helped underground music.
They are no strangers to hardship as Obsidian saw them, once again, tackling line up changes and financial insecurities. A poor time to take risks for most people but never for Northlane. Like Alien, Obsidian proved to be a triumph amidst adversity and hopefully the last iteration of this scenario. The band deserves much better and this statement is further cemented with bands like Pridelands that follow the footsteps laid by these Chads. That adventurous spirit and will to stand out from metalcore molasses that plagues the genre is exactly what metalcore needs. And Northlane, like the (bad) band they are named after, holds the torch and is still ahead of the curve. Long may they reign.
Thanks for reading and let's conquer 2023!